Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Helminth Infection Mainly Occurs In Childrenâ€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Helminth Infection Mainly Occurs In Children? Answer: Introduction Helminthes are multicellular organisms that are large in size and can be observed through naked eyes after getting matured. They are also called as parasitic worms. A large number of helminthes belong to the category of intestinal parasites as they live inside the intestine of human beings and other animals. Examples of helminthes are threadworm, ascaris, tapeworm etc. They feed on hosts that are living and receive nutrition and protection when they disrupt the absorption of nutrition from hosts (Bennett, Dolin Blaser, 2014).This results in several diseases and infections in the host. There are not many infections due to Helminthes in Australia but most individuals get infected from threadworm, Enterobius vermicularis. The following research report demonstrates the aetiology, transmission of infection, clinical manifestation, prevention of infection from helminthes and future issues. Aetiology and the source of transmission Enterobius vermicularis or pinworm is a nematode with a pointed tail and is found in the temperate regions around the world and is most commonly found in Australia. Its transmission occurs through a direct contact with towels, bed sheets knobs of doors and other things. It can also be transmitted through sexual contact. When an infection through pinworm occurs it results in a prickling sensation in the perianal area, which occurs when a female pinworm moves to the anal area of the host mainly during the night. Enterobius vermicularis resides in the small intestine majorly in the ileocecal area. It leads to infection and results in diarrhea due to the swelling in the wall of bowel. There are several risk factors of infection and the most important one is such as unhygienic practice of not washing hands. Clinical Manifestation Enterobius vermicularis mainly affects children in the age group of 5-10 years and they do not experience any specific symptoms except itching around the anal part in the body. In girls it leads to vaginal itching. Individuals affected with enterobiasis severely suffer from irritation, loss of weight and appetite and restlessness. Enterobius vermicularis may also lead to a blockage in the appendix. Helminthiasis may also lead to chronic illness in patient due to a lack of nutrition such as vitamin, protein in the body which results in weakness and improper growth. It can also lead to improper cognitive functions which results in poor performance in studies and a lack of concentration in children (Strunz, et al., 2014). Prevention It is important to wash hands regularly especially after going to the washroom before eating anything to prevent from getting infected by Helminthes (Hoffmann, Brindley Berriman, 2014).Children should keep their nails short to lower down the chance of getting infected by the eggs of helminthes. Clothes and bed sheets and all the toys of children should be washed regularly in order to make sure that all the eggs are killed. Other preventive measures may include deworming of pets on a regular basis and appropriate disposal of fecal matter (Mishra et al., 2014). Treatment Infection caused due to helminthes can be cured by taking medications such as mebendazole, piperazine, pyrvinium and pyrantel pamoate. A single dose of both mebendazole and pyrantel pamoate are given and the process is repeated in 2 weeks which would lead to the death of eggs which are newly ingested (Grencis, 2015).Oxamnquineis use largely in programmes related to mass deworming. Macrocyclic lactones (such asivermectin) can be used in preventing infection from nematodes. Artimisinins and its derivatives are being used widely for treating trematodiasis. Discussion There are different preventive measures by the two authors in order to cure infection from helminthes according to this report. According to Hoffmann, Brindley Berriman, 2014,washing hands regularly especially after going to the washroom and before having lunch or dinner is one the best ways to prevent infects from different types of helminthes such as tapeworm, ascaris (roundworm) and pinworm. It is advised to parents to cut the nails of their children regularly to lower down the chance of getting infected by the eggs of helminthes and leading to different symptoms. On the other hand, Mishra et al., 2014 , advises all the parents to wash clothes and bed sheets and all the toys of their children regularly in order to make sure that all the eggs are killed. According to them, deworming of pets on a regular basis and appropriate disposal of fecal matter is also one of the most widely used preventive measure to prevent getting affected from helminths. Conclusion Helminthes are multicellular organisms that are large in size and can be observed through naked eyes after getting matured. This results in several diseases and infections in the host. Its transmission occurs through a direct contact with towels, bed sheets knobs of doors and other things. It can also be transmitted through sexual contact. A single dose of both mebendazole and pyrantel pamoate are given and the process is repeated in 2 weeks which would lead to the death of eggs which are newly ingested. Oxamnquineis use largely in programmes related to mass deworming. Recommendations Regular washing of hands before eating and after going to washroom to avoid infection from helminthes. Regular washing of clothes and bed sheets and maintain a hygienic practice to prevent getting from getting infected. References Bennett, J. E., Dolin, R., Blaser, M. J. (2014).Principles and practice of infectious diseases. Elsevier Health Sciences. Grencis, R. K. (2015). Immunity to helminths: resistance, regulation, and susceptibility to gastrointestinal nematodes.Annual review of immunology,33, 201-225. Hoffmann, K. F., Brindley, P. J., Berriman, M. (2014). Halting harmful helminths.Science,346(6206), 168-169. Mishra, P. K., Palma, M., Bleich, D., Loke, P., Gause, W. C. (2014). Systemic impact of intestinal helminth infections.Mucosal immunology,7(4), 753. Strunz, E. C., Addiss, D. G., Stocks, M. E., Ogden, S., Utzinger, J., Freeman, M. C. (2014). Water, sanitation, hygiene, and soil-transmitted helminth infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis.PLoS medicine,11(3), e1001620

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